Категория: Биология


Автор: Тузовский П. В.

Амурский зоологический журнал, 2020, т. XII, № 2 Amurian Zoological Journal, 2020, vol. XII, no. 2 _www.azjournal.ru

UDC 595.426 DOI: 10.33910/2686-9519-2020-12-2-132-137

http://zoobank.org/ References/AF9C9084-F432-4AB2-BDEF-EBC01AF73DA1


P. V. Tuzovskij

Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences, Nekouzsky District, Yaroslavskaya Region, 152742, Borok, Russia

Abstract. A description of the male and female of a new water mite species of the genus Zschokkea from the Asian part of Russia is given.


П. В. Тузовский

Институт биологии внутренних вод РАН им. И. В. Папанина, Некоузский район, Ярославская область,

152742, пос. Борок, Россия

Аннотация. Описание самца и самки нового вида водяных клещей рода Zschokkea из азиатской части России.

Petr V. Tuzovskij

E-mail: tpv@ibiw.ru

SPIN: 4101-5460

Scopus Author ID: 57190753429

ReseacherlD: C-3184-2017

ORCID: 0000-0001-5002-2679

Copyright: © The Author (2020). Published by Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Open access under CC BY-NC License 4.0.

Сведения об авторе

Тузовский Петр Васильевич E-mail: tpv@ibiw.ru SPIN-код: 4101-5460 Scopus Author ID: 57190753429 ReseacherlD: C-3184-2017 ORCID: 0000-0001-5002-2679

Права: © Автор (2020). Опубликовано Российским государственным педагогическим университетом им. А. И. Герцена. Открытый доступ на условиях лицензии СС БУ-ЫС 4.0.


The world fauna of water mites of the genus Zschokkea Koenike, 1892 currently includes several species (Viets 1987). The fauna of this genus collected in Russia includes two species: Z. oblonga Koenike, 1892 and Z. langei (Tuzovskij, 1976). First species is widely distributed in Europe (Lundblad 1927; 1968; Sokolov 1940; Gerecke, Gledhill, Pesic, Smit 2016), and second species was described from West Siberia and known only from female (Tuzovskij 1976). The aim of this paper is to describe a new water mite species of the genus Zschokkea and to give an identification key for adults collected in Russia.


Specimens were collected by the author in standing waters of the Asian part of Russia with a common hand net (250 |im mesh). Most specimens were not dissected, thus preserving the natural shape of the body. For several males and females, the gnathosoma was mounted in a position that allowed investigating pedipalps in lateral view.

Idiosomal setae and lyriform organs are named according to Tuzovskij (1987): Fch— frontales chelicerarum, Fp—frontales pedi-palporum, Vi—verticales internae, Ve—verticales externae, Oi—occipitales internae, Oe—occipitales externae, Hi—humerales internae, He—humerales externae, Hv—humerales ventralia, Sci—scapulares internae, Sce— scapulares externae, Li—lumbales internae, Le—lumbales externae, Si—sacrales internae, Se—sacrales externae, Ci—caudales internae, Pi—praeanales internae, Pe—praeanales externae, i1-i5—lyriform organs. The following abbreviations are used: P-1-5, pedipalp segments (trochanter, femur, genu, tibia and tarsus); I-Leg-1-6 , first leg, segments 1-6 (trochanter, basifemur, telofemur, genu, tibia and tarsus) i.e. III-Leg-3 = genu of third leg; ac. 1-3, genital acetabula (anterior, medial, lateral); D—diameter, H—height; L—length; W—width; n—number of specimens measured. The length of appendage segments was measured along their dorsal side, all measurements are given in |im.

Family Hydryphantidae Piesig, 1896

Subfamily Euthyadinae K. Viets, 1931

Genus Zschokkea Koenike, 1892

Zschokkea orientalis sp. n.


(Figs 1-3: 1-13)

Type series. Holotype: male, slide 2884, Asia, Russia, Chukotka, Anadyr District, small tundra pool near settlement Markovo, 30 August 1981. Paratypes: from the same locality as holotype, 1 female 10 July 1978, 1 female 10 August 1981. Additional material: Kamchatka Region, Ust-Kamchatsk District, sedge-sphagnum bog on the right bank of the Kamchatka river, 40 km upstream from Ust-Kamchatsk city near biological station "Raduga", 2 females 21 June 1983, 1 female 24 June 1983, 1 male 26 June 1983, 1 male and 2 female 30 June 1983, 2 females 3 July 1983, 1 male 17 July 1983 and 1 female 21 August 1983.

Diagnosis. Idiosoma without dorsal and ventral platelets; medial eye small, surrounded by sclerotized ring; idiosoma papillae flat; second and third acetabula in trapezoid arrangement in male, and in female they form straight transverse row; medial and lateral margins of genital flaps convex in both sexes, number of genital setae without essential differences in both sexes; P-3 quadrate in lateral view, with five to eight dorsal setae.

Description. Both sexes. Color red. Idi-osoma dorsal and ventral platelets completely absent (Figs. 1: 1, 2). Lateral eyes in capsules, anterior lens larger than posterior one on each side. Medial eye very small and surrounded by sclerotized ring (Fig. 1: 3). Number of idioso-mal setae typical for the family Hydryphantidae (Tuzovskij 1987), trichobothria Fp and Oi not associated with glandularia, other idiosomal setae associated with glandularia. Idiosoma bears five pairs of lyriform organs, first four pairs (i1-i4) located dorsally, fifth pair (i5) ventrally. Idiosoma integument with flat papillae (Fig. 1: 4). Genital field with large flaps and three pairs of very small acetabula, which are located on extension each and all included into genital flap margins. Excretory pore unsclerotized.

Fig. 1. Zschokkea orientalis sp. п., male: 1 — idiosoma, dorsal view; 2 — idiosoma, ventral view; 3 — medial eye; 4 — fragment of integument. Scale bars: 1-2 = 200 |im, 3-4 = 50 |im Рис. 1. Zschokkea orientalis sp. n., самец: 1 — идиосома, дорсальная сторона; 2 — идиосома, вентральная сторона; 3 — медиальный глаз; 4 — фрагмент покрова. Шкалы: 1-2 = 200 |im, 3-4 = 50 |im_

Capitulum (Fig. 2: 5) with very short rostrum, mouth opening small. Chelicera basal segment with relatively large dorsal hump, crescent chela short (Fig. 2: 6). Pedipalp (Fig. 2: 7) moderately slender, setation: P-1, 1-2; P-2, 8-10; P-3, 5-8; P-4, 4 (all distally, two dorsally: one proximal fine and one peg-like distally, two ventral: proximal seta thickened basally, distal seta not thickened basally), P-5, 10 (proximal solenidion short, five pointed and four obtuse thick setae distally, Fig. 8). Pedipalpal genu (P-3) quadrate in lateral view (L/H ratio 0.95-1.0). Legs stout, setae in low numbers, but strong and without swimming setae (Fig. 2: 9). Leg claws simple, hook-shaped, with supraclaw platelet each (Fig. 2: 10).

Male. Shape of coxal plates and genital field as shown in Fig. 2: 2. Genital flaps broad (L/W ratio 2.05-2.30), with 14-21 long setae each (11-16 medial and 2-5 lateral), lateral margins well convex, medial margins straight or slightly convex; both posterior pairs of

genital acetabula in trapezoid arrangement, third pair acetabula situated anterior and lateral to second ones, posteromedial extension with two setae (Fig. 3: 11). Ejaculatory complex proximal chamber large, oval, bearing a short curved horn apically; proximal arms massive, strongly curved, broadest basally, tapering gradually to apex, distal arms slightly developed (Fig. 3: 12).

Measurements (n = 5). Idiosoma L 8001000, W 700-800; medial eye D 9-11; genital flap L 160-195, W 70-85; cheliceral segments: base L 160-185, chela L 54-60; acetabula (ac. 1-3) D: 15-18, 18-24, 15-18; pedipalp segments (P-1-5) L: 39-50, 120-125, 70-80, 125-140; 40-42; legs segments L: I-Leg-1-6: 60-65, 115-125, 85-100, 120-130, 155-170, 205-245; II-Leg-1-6: 55-70, 100-130, 95100, 145-150, 180-190, 235-270; III-Leg-1-6: 65-75, 85-105, 75-90, 125-140, 175-210, 190-205; IV-Leg-1-6: 120-150, 105-140, 115-130, 175-190, 185-205, 200-215.

Scale bars: 5-7, 9 = 100 |im, 8, 10 = 20 |im

Рис. 2. Zschokkea orientalis sp. n., 5 — капитулум, боковой вид; 6 — хелицера, боковой вид; 7 — педипальпа, боковой вид; 8 — лапка педипальпы; 9 — колено, голень и лапка ноги IV; 10 — коготок ноги IV. Шкалы: 5-7, 9 = 100 цш, 8, 10 = 20 цш

Female. Genital flaps large, elongate (L/W ratio 2.6-2.7), with 14-22 relatively short setae each (10-17 medial and 2-7 lateral), lateral margins slightly convex, medial margins straight or slightly convex, second and third pairs of genital acetabula arranged in a straight transverse row, posteromedial extension with two setae (Fig. 3: 13).

Measurements (n = 7). Idiosoma L 8101500, W 625-1100; medial eye D 11-13; genital flap L 260-275, W 100-115; chel-iceral segments: base L 180-230, chela L 55-70; acetabula (ac. 1-3) D: 18-25, 2530,18-25; pedipalp segments (P-1-5) L: 39-50, 120-125, 70-80, 125-140; 40-42; legs segments L: I-Leg-1-6: 60-90, 105Figs 3. Zschokkea orientalis sp. n., adults: 11, 13 — genital field, 12 — ejaculatory complex; 11-12 male, 13 female. Scale bars: 11 = 50 цш 12,13 = 100 цш

Рис. 3. Zschokkea orientalis sp. n., взрослые: 11, 13 — генитальное поле; 12 — семяизвергательный комплекс; 11-12 самец, 13 самка. Шкалы: 11 = 50 цш 12,13 = 100 цш

145, 80-110, 115-150, 135-185, 150-185; II-Leg-1-6: 60-80, 110-140, 85-115, 120-170, 145-205, 180-210; III-Leg-1-6: 65-85, 100-125, 90-110, 110-165, 145-205, 170-220; IV-Leg-1-6: 120-165, 115-155, 115-155, 155-220, 170-240, 175-240.

Differential diagnosis. The new species is similar to Z. oblonga and Z. langei (Tuzovskij, 1976). The present species is closely related to Z. oblonga; however, the following clear differences can be found in the morphology of adults (character states of adults of Z. oblonga are given parenthesis after Lundblad 1927, Sokolov 1940 and Gerecke, Gledhill, Pesic, Smit 2016; 2016): the idiosoma dorsal and ventral platelets completely absent (present), the genital flaps medial margin straight or slightly convex (equally concave), the genital setae number without essential differences in both sexes (female genital setae less than in the males), P-3 with five to eight setae (four setae). The

female of Zschokkea langei is characterized by the presence of idiosomal platelets, genital flaps with convex medial margins and straight lateral margins and with more numerous genital setae (Tuzovskij 1976).

Key to adults of Zschokkea species in Russia:

1. Idiosomal platelets completely absent (Figs 2: 1, 2), number of the genital setae without essential differences in both sexes ..........................Z. orientalis sp. n.

— Idiosomal platelets present, female genital setae number is less than in the males ........ 2

2. Lateral margins ofgenital flaps equally convex, medial margins equally concave (Sokolov 1940;

Gerecke, Gledhill, Pesic, Smit 2016 ........

.....................Z. oblonga Koenike, 1892

— Lateral margins of genital flaps straight, medial margins equally convex (Tuzovskij 1976)............ Z. langei (Tuzovskij, 1976)

Etymology. The species& epithet, orientalis, is derived from the name of oriental regions of Russia, where it was collected (Kamchatka and Chukotka).

Habitat. Sedge-sphagnum bogs, tundra pools.

Distribution. Asia, Russia: Chukotka, Kamchatka.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was performed in the framework of the state assignment of FASO Russia (theme No 0122-2014-0007). The author expresses sincere gratitude to referees for the reviewing of the manuscript.

For citation: Tuzovskij, P. V. (2020) Description of a new water mite of the genus Zschokkea Koenike, 1892 (Acari, Hydrachnidia, Hydryphantidae) from Northeastern Russia. Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XII, no. 2, pp. 132-137. DOI: 10.33910/2686-9519-2020-12-2-132-137

Received 26 March 2020; reviewed 25 April 2020; accepted 25 April 2020.

Для цитирования: Тузовский, П. В. (2020) Описание нового вида водяных клещей рода Zschokkea Koenike, 1892 (Acari, Hydrachnidia, Hydryphantidae) с Северо-Востока России. Амурский зоологический журнал, т. XII, № 2, с. 132-137. DOI: 10.33910/2686-9519-2020-12-2-132-137

Получена 26 марта 2020; прошла рецензирование 25 апреля 2020; принята 25 апреля 2020.


Gerecke, R., Gledhill, T., Pesic, V., Smit, H. (2016) Süßwasserfauna von Mitteleuropa. Bd. 7/23. Chelicerata: Acari III. Heidelberg; Dordrecht; London; New York: Springer-Verlag, 429 p. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-8274-2689-5 (In English) Lundblad, O. (1927) Die Hydracarinen Schwedens. I. Beitrag zur Systematik, Embryologie, Ökologie und Verbreitungsgeschichte des Schwedischen Arten. Zoologiska Bidrag Frän Uppsala, Bd. 11, S. 185-540. (In German)

Lundblad, O. (1968) Die Hydracarinen Schwedens. III. Arkiv för Zoologi, Ser. 2, Bd. 21 (1), S. 1-633. (In German)

Sokolov, I. I. (1940) Hydracarina — vodyanye kleshchi. Chast& I: Hydrachnellae [Hydracarina — the aquatic mites. Part 1: Hydrachnellae]. Moscow; Leningrad: Academy of Sciences Publ., 510 p. (Fauna SSSR [Fauna of the Soviet Union]. Vol. 5. No. 2). (In Russian) Tuzovskij, P. V. (1976) Novyj vid vodyanogo kleshcha roda Thyas (Hydryphantidae, Acariformes) [A new species of the water mite of the genus Thyas (Hydryphantidae, Acariformes)]. Informacionnyj byulleten& "Biologiya vnutrennikh vod" — News Bulletin "Inland Water Biology", no. 29, pp. 47-49. (In Russian)

Tuzovskij, P. V. (1987) Morfologiya i postembrional&noye razvitie vodyanykh kleshchej [Morphology and

postembryonic development in water mites]. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 172 p. (In Russian) Viets, K. O. (1987) Die Milben des Süßwassers (Hydrachnellae und Halacaridae (part.), Acari) 2: Katalog. Hamburg: Parey, 1012 S. (Sonderbände des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Hamburg, Bd. 8). (In German)

hydrachnidia water mites zschokkea orientalis new species morphology male female ВОДЯНЫЕ КЛЕЩИ НОВЫЙ ВИД МОРФОЛОГИЯ
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