Категория: Литература


Автор: Ashurova Hafiza Eshturdiyevna


Ashurova Hafiza Eshturdiyevna School №23, Karshi city of the Kashkadarya region

Uzakova Nargiz Rustamovna School №10, Karshi city of the Kashkadarya region

Abstract: Artistic translation has its own language specificity, which is associated not only with an adequate transfer of the meaning of a word from one language to another, but also with an equivalent display of the artistic power and expressiveness of one language through another, since it is possible to create the necessary artistic design in translation only through the language material.

Language in translation is the main tool of the translator, which imposes on him a huge responsibility to the translated original. This circumstance requires deep knowledge not only in the field of linguistics, but also in matters of culture, everyday life, customs, traditions of various peoples, which are reunited with each other during artistic translation. Just like a writer, a translator needs to have observation, deep life experience, emotional openness, sensuality, logic, accurate perception of the world around them, and a conscious attitude to their experiences. Since it is only when it is fully equipped with the necessary knowledge of all the features of both cultures and the mental characteristics of peoples that it becomes possible to fully display the foreign cultural environment while preserving the unique national color of the translated material. Otherwise, the translator, when reflecting the cultural environment of the original, may present the reader with elements of their national culture instead of shades of foreign culture. In this regard one of the main criteria for literary translation is the ability to convey the national flavor of the original without equating it with its own national culture.

In this regard, the question of translating English idioms into another language, which have both unique content peculiar only to idioms, and a special unbreakable phrase logical structure, is of scientific interest. It is a very difficult task to preserve the lexical, semantic and linguistic features of idioms.

An idiom is an unmodeled phrase that operates more on the principles of semantic unity than internal ordered structure. Thus, in language usage, such combinations are not created on the basis of certain models, but are used in their

ready-made, already accepted and existing form, and function entirely as a single whole, although they consist of several words combined with each other.

Therefore, an idiom is a complete semantic structure. Semantics plays a dominant role in this structure. But the semantics do not depend on the meaning of the words that form the idiom. When words are combined into the structure of an idiom, they lose their original meaning in most cases. Therefore, it is very difficult to translate an idiom into another language without knowing the actual meaning of this phrase logical unit (Mare&s nest nonsense; spill the beans - reveal a secret). Idioms are a special linguistic phenomenon and demonstrate the linguistic, semantic, artistic richness of the language, its wide possibilities, diversity and uniqueness.

To find the identity and fully corresponding semantic unity of the original and its translation, special efforts and efforts must be made, since in artistic translation, each word in the original text may bear different, sometimes opposite and multifaceted semantic coloring and show different shades of the same meanings. According to our observations when translating English idioms into Uzbek there are the following translation features:

- complete absence in the translation language of an adequate content to the original or equivalent ready-made expression or phraseology;

- partial presence in the translation language of an expression that only corresponds to the semantics of the original in content, but does not repeat the original in structure;

- partial presence in the translation language of an expression that has a specially formed own unique structure and corresponds to the original in content.

When translating idioms, meaningful adequacy becomes very important. The concept of translation adequacy means an accurate statement of the real meaning of the original text while preserving the language rules. When translating idioms, their content adequacy is more than the adequacy of just language tools. In the process of translating idioms, purely linguistic patterns recede into the background. Translating an idiom, first of all, means accurately reproducing the content of the idiom, restoring its meaning through another language. Taking into account the fact that English and Uzbek are different types of language, the translation process involves some transformation of the language characteristics of the original.

If we want to make an adequate translation, we have to choose with the Uzbek language version of &vaqti-vaqti bilan& (periodically, occasionally). However, when choosing this phrase, you must pay attention to the meaning of the original idiom. If the original idiom has the semantic facets of &takroran& (repeatedly),& kupincha &(often),& odatda &(usually), then naturally we cannot use the expression& vakti-vakti Bilan& (periodically, at times) with full justification. In the phrase &vakti-vakti Bilan & there is a semantic load of repetition, starting anew, emphasis is placed on activities

that are performed several times, repeatedly, but its semantic content does not have the meaning of ordinariness, familiarity. Therefore, when translating idioms, it is necessary to pay attention to the adequacy of semantic components, and not to the adequacy of the combination of words. If the translation of an idiom does not reflect its semantic content, the true meaning of the idiom will be lost.

In the absence of a stable phrase, Uzbek translators use the richness of the Uzbek language itself in accordance with the cultural aura of the original language to preserve the national flavor of the translated literature.


1. Amosova, N. N.: 1) Fundamentals of English phraseology. M.: Librokom, 2010. 216 p.; 2)Etymological foundations of the vocabulary of modern English. M.: Librokom, 2010.224 p.; Kunin, A.V. Course of phraseology of modern English. TRANS-RAB. M., 1996.
2. Lomonosov, M. V. "Russian grammar". Preface [Electronic resource]. URL : http:// www.ruthenia.ru/apr/textes/lomonos/lomon01/ preface.htm.
3. Madrakhimov, I. "Polysemy of words in the Uzbek language and the basics of their description": author. dis. ... Cand. Philol. sciences&. Tashkent, 1994. 25 p.
artistic translation translated material semantic structure
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