Категория: Литература


Автор: Valova Teodora Dimitrova

отношениях с родителями. Вместе с тем установлено, что эта взаимосвязь носит сложный характер и при изучении требует глубокого качественного анализа.

Проведенное исследование еще раз подтвердило важность и необходимость оказания родителям психологической помощи в выстраивании гармоничных отношений с детьми, способствующих их успешному развитию, раскрытию потенциала и эмоционально комфортному состоянию.


1. Андреева А.Д. Особенности семейной среды ребенка в постиндустриальном обществе // Научный диалог. 2018. № 7. С. 292-307. DOI: 10.24224/2227-1295-2018-7-292-307.
2. Марцинковская Т.Д. Современная психология — вызовы транзитивности // Психологические исследования. 2015. Т. 8, № 42. С. 1. URL: http://psystudy.ru (дата обращения: 20.03.2020).
3. Митина Л.М. Смысл жизни. Ценности. Преемственность поколений // Психологические проблемы смысла жизни и акме: Электронный сборник материалов XXIV Международного симпозиума / Под ред. Г.А. Вайзер, Т.А. Поповой, Н.В. Кисельниковой. — М.: ФГБНУ «Психологический институт РАО», 2019. C. 33—37.
4. Сивак Е.В. Современная родительская культура и ее значение для взаимодействия родителей и педагогов // Современное дошкольное образование. 2019. № 1 (91). С. 8—17. DOI: 10.24411/1997-9657-2018-10036.
5. Фельдштейн Д.И. Глубинные изменения современного детства и обусловленная ими актуализация психолого-педагогических проблем развития образования // Вестник практической психологии образования. 2011. № 4. С. 3—12.
6. Фельдштейн Д.И. Психолого-педагогическая наука как ресурс развития современного социума // Психологическая наука и образование. 2012. № 1. С. 18—32.
7. Щебланова Е.И. Дискуссионные аспекты концепций одаренности в XXI веке // Психология одаренности и творчества: монография / Под ред. Л.И. Ларионовой, А.И. Савенкова. — М.; СПб.: Нестор-История, 2017. — С. 138—148.
8. Perrone K.M., Ksiazak T.M., Wright S.L., Vannatter A., Crane A.L. Tanney A. Multigenera-tional Giftedness: Perceptions of Giftedness Across Three Generations // Journal for the Education of the Gifted. 2010. Vol. 33, No. 4. P. 606—627.


Валова Теодора Димитрова (Плевен, Республика Болгария), доцент, доктор, Медицинский университет — Плевен, Департамент языкового и специализированного обучения. E-mail: valova. teodora@gmail.com

Петкова Бойка Валериева (София, Республика Болгария), ассистент, доктор, Медицинский университет — София, Департамент языкового обучения и спорта. E-mail: b.v.petkova@abv.bg

Аннотация. В данной статье рассматриваются концепции, методы и подходы преподавания болгарского и английского языков в контексте коммуникации для личного, профессионального и академического взаимодействия для медицинских целей. Ключевая исследовательская идея ориентирована на представление эффективности используемых методических подходов. Эти приемы являются частью дидактического инструментариума авторов и способствуют развитию специализированных социолингвистических языковых навыков будущих медиков.


Valova Teodora Dimitrova (Pleven, Republic of Bulgaria), Dr., Assoc. Prof., Medical University — Pleven, Department of Language and Specialized Training. E-mail: valova.teodora@gmail.com

Petkova Boyka Valerieva (Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria), Dr., Assist. Prof., Department of Language Training and Sports, Medical University — Sofia. E-mail: b.v.petkova@abv.bg

Abstract. This article discusses the concepts, methods and approaches of teaching Bulgarian and English in their functional aspect in the context of the communication for personal, professional and academic interaction for medical purposes. The goal is to present the effectiveness of the used strategies, which are part of the didactic tool of the authors for development of specialized sociolinguistic language skills in connection to the occupational employment of the future medics.

Introduction. The problem of the interaction between the lecturer and the students in foreign language training for medical purposes is a key part of the educational process for building socio-linguistic skills for the personal, professional and academic communication of the future health professionals. This question becomes even more essential when it is considered in the context of the student-patient interaction. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to be used effective methods, resources and approaches that lead to the assimilation from the students of the theoretical language knowledges defined in the curriculum on one hand and the development of the practical communication skills in a foreign language social, cultural and professional environment, on the other.

The article presents and analyzes two educational approaches in foreign language training used from 2016 to 2019 at the Medical University — Sofia, Department of Language Training and Sports, and at the Medical University — Pleven, Department of Language and Specialized Education. As a result of this analysis, the authors justify the inclusion of these approaches in the process of building knowledge and skills which are applicable in the effective medical communication.

Materials and methods. The internationalization of the medical universities in Bulgaria, based on the principle of diversification, including linguistic, puts the focus on the foreign language training in English and Bulgarian as the second to create an effective environment for interaction between the lecturer and the students [5]. According to D. Veselinov, "the interactivity between the participants in the educational process in the foreign language teaching requires a new rethinking of the roles of the individual actants in the theoretical and practical exposure to their semiotic functions" [6]. In the context of updating of the positions of the classical educational subjects and values, the author emphasizes that they must become "active participants who through their actions and interactions, have the task to optimize the ranged educational results in the context of the contemporary integrational processes [6].

The solution of this task requires the use of interactive methods and approaches which are tailored with the specifics of the educational process in higher medical schools. It is distinguished by the characteristic features of the andragogical process: problem-oriented, dynamic and diverse, oriented towards the rapid applicability of knowledge in practice, relies on learning by doing / acting, integrates old knowledge and experience with the new ones, forms attitudes and values such as part of the educational work [2]. To the already indicated peculiarity, the characteristics of the medical students as adult learners are added. Another feature is that during the process of learning participate three main groups of subjects teachers — students — patients. The insertion in the educational discourse of a third subject — patient, changes the functions, relationships and interactions in the classical pair of trainer — trainee.

Teaching and learning of a second (foreign) language at the medical universities is an integral part of the overall educational process. It is accepted that the thesis is that the communicative orientation of teaching "supposes modern models of knowledge acquisition and skills formations,

updates the importance of the interdependence between teaching — learning — assessment, carried out in a situation not only of communication, but also of pedagogical interaction" [1].

Regarding the problems outlined, in order for the foreign language training to be effective, it is important the specific medical terminology to be presented in an interesting way and involves the students as an active participants in the learning and training process. The preparation for adequate and effective communication in medicine and health care and the mastery of the specialized communicative skills by the trainees requires the inclusion of approaches, based on competences for professional education and training. Practically, the various methodological conversions are connected to the application of the competence approach. Its use "in foreign language training forms in students not only the particular knowledge, skills and habits, but the ability and the willingness for effective and productive language activity in various socially significant communication situations" [5].

For this purpose, two approaches and their creative application in support of foreign language practice for medical purposes will be considered.


Natural Approach. The Natural approach is a communicative learning method created by Krashen and Terrell in the 1980s — 1990s of the XX century. The authors launch the idea of similarity between the processes of mastering the native (first) language and with those of the second language learning.

The learning goals that are successfully achieved through this approach are:

— Assimilation of the communicative skills in specific communicative situations, in which there are conditions for generating and producing of the texts and for the accessible transmission of its professional-terminological content.

This goal is accomplished by the engaging of the students in a variety of dialogues concerning different communicative situations when talking with patients and their relatives. With their pragmatic focus, the exercises create a natural environment for the specific use of the appropriate vocabulary and the intuitive use of language knowledge as a set of speech units. The main point in the different situations, which are connected with the establishment of the patient&s condition, is on how the future doctor will react fully in the communication process;

— Development of the skill, connected with the listening comprehension.

The main focus of the communication in the medical practice is for the patient to be properly understood by the physician, and vice versa — the physician to understand the symptoms of the patient&s illness. In order to improve the medical students& listening skills, listening comprehension exercises are performed. It is appropriate short videos to be included. In them, the language is practiced in the natural environment of communication between its speakers. Broadcasts in various media are another source in which are found authentic speech patterns.

— Improvement of the spontaneous language production as a reaction of the patients& questions and comments.

A useful exercise is the participation in imitated authentic conversations with a patient. The requirements are to give a one-word answer, two-words answer, answer with one simple sentence, utterance as response of the non-verbal reaction.

— Reducing of the affective pressure on the learner.

The learner is involved in the speech act — in the process of creation, pronunciation and perception of a speech message, when he feels ready for it. The student himself wishes to participate in the communicative situation.

— Development of the level of proficiency in Bulgarian / English from beginner to intermediate level.

His achievement is decomposed into activities which are in relation to the parallel development of the language skills, connected with: listening, speaking, reading, writing. The

role-playing game is used as a didactic tool — one of the students is a doctor and the other is a patient. An imaginary situation is played out that supports the assimilation of the verbal and nonverbal abilities for communication.

Total Physical Response (TPR)

This is an interactive communicative learning method, in which the foreign language is being studied by performing of physical activities or with support of physical activities. The procedure for its application is expressed by the use of imperative phrases in combination with a visual demonstration of the physical actions. The trainees imitate what the teacher demonstrated, initially only communicating non-verbally with him / her until they are ready for a verbal expression.

The four skills are developed in the following order:

1. Listening comprehension (of orders and instructions).
2. Speaking (when the trainees are ready to do it).
3. Reading comprehension (on the previously learned oral phrases).
4. Written expression. For example: studying of the topics "Respiratory system" (Curriculum, MU-Sofia) or "Respiratory system and diseases of the respiratory system" (Curriculum, MU-Pleven). The lecturer reports that the purpose of the lesson is to view the functions of this system and the diseases related to it. The terms and the new phrases are recorded on the board. The lecturer informs the students which phrases they can use when talking to the patient. In the beginning the trainer is in role of a doctor. After that the positions change — one of the students gets into the role of a doctor and begins to communicate with the others as patients. The new phrases and terms are read aloud again by all the students who write them.

Adherence to this sequence guarantees that the learner will begin to speak the learned language when he feels ready for this. Appropriate exercises are role-playing games, picture presentation, followed by questions, and etc. [4]. To be remembered permanently, the new lexical units can be represented by pantomime, to be drawn, to be related to images and pictures, to be included into an absurd context, an associative cloud to be formed around them, a thought map to be constructed, and etc. [3]. The TPR method is suitable for the initial stages of the second language learning. It is a good practice to be combined with the other techniques and approaches for achieving greater efficiency.

As a result of the content-analysis of the presented approaches are required the following conclusions about their effectiveness:

1. Create a favorable environment and motivation for the learner&s activity.
2. Encourage the students to think independently and reach their own language production.
3. Have a practical focus on teaching and learning the medical vocabulary for mastering the basic grammatical parts: Morphology and Syntax.
4. Provoke new ideas and opportunities at the lecturer for their creative application in foreign language teaching for medical purposes.


The interaction between the lecturer and the student, as well as between the patient and the practitioner, is essential for the future development of the learner. It is achieved through the various communicative methods and approaches which the lecturer uses during the teaching process, and which prepare the future physicians to use the language tools correctly and appropriately in different communicative situations in the medical practice.


1. Georgieva S. From communicative competence of the teacher to communicative competence of the student. // SocioBrains. ISSUE 39, November 2017. P. 407-418. ISSN: 2367-5721.
2. Grudeva M, Gyurova V., Kostadinova T. Metodika na akademichnoto prepodavane vav vissheto meditsinsko uchilishte. - Varna: Izd: Meditsinski universitet, 2016. P. 65. ISBN: 978-619-221-001-4.
3. Koeva Ya. Nevrodidaktika i mnogoezichie. — Veliko Tarnovo Izdatelstvo: UI "Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodiy", 2018. - P. 156-165. ISBN: 9786192081683.
4. Stoyanova Yu. Ovladyavane na vtori ezik: problemi na teoriyata i praktikata. Izdatel: Fakultet po slavyanski filologii. - Sofiy: Sofiyski universitet "Sv, Kliment Ohridski", 2014. ISSN: 1314-3352.
5. Valova T. Didactic potential of the online educational platforms in mastering the Bulgarian language as a second language by medical students (study). SocioBrains. ISSUE 65, January 2020. P. 129-150. ISSN: 2367-5721.
6. Veselinov D. Novi predizvikatelstva pred savremennata lingvodidaktologia, Chuzhdoezikovo obu-chenie // Foreign Language Teaching. T. 47, broy 1. 2020. S. 7-8. ISSN (print): 0205-1834; ISSN (online): 1314-8508.


Вильчес-Ногерол Вероника Валерьевна (Москва, Россия), аспирант Научно-исследовательского института технической эстетики Российского технологического университета. E-mail: belikveronika@gmail.com.

Аннотация. В статье представлены результаты исследования стилей делового общения представителей разных социономических профессий. По итогам факторного анализа, t-сравнения, корреляционного анализа, можем констатировать, что рабочая гипотеза о том, что корпоративная среда выступает доминирующим фактором в становлении и дальнейшем развитии стилей делового общения, подтвердилась. Степень конструктивности стилей варьируется в разных группах.


Vilches-Nogerol Veronika Valeryevna (Moscow, Russia), graduate student of the Scientific Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics of the Russian Technological University. E-mail: belikveronika@gmail.com.

Abstract. In this article we present the results of business communication style&s study on subjects of different socionomic professions. According to the results of factor analysis, t-comparison, correlation analysis, we can state that the working hypothesis that the corporate environment is the dominant factor in the formation and further development of styles of business communication has been confirmed. The degree of unconstructive styles varies in different groups.

Проблема стилей делового общения (СДО) особенно актуальна для представителей социономических профессий, качество коммуникации которых играет основную роль в их профессиональной деятельности [1—8;].

Цель исследования: сравнительный анализ особенностей СДО сотрудников колонии-поселения (далее — сотрудники КП), медсестер, менеджеров и представителей смешанной группы.

Предмет мсследования: стили делового общения специалистов разных областей.

1 Поддержано грантом РФФИ № 19-013-00550: «Стили делового общения: пространство и стратегии взаимодействия, ресурсы успешности субъектов».
foreign language training sociolinguistic competence medical goals interaction методы обучения иностранному языку социолингвистическая компетент- ность медицинские цели интеракция.
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